Woman-Verse 1 I love a gift wrapped in red, a gift under the tree When the lights blink only for you for me But what I like most and what most rings true Is the way I feel knowing that my gift is you.
Man sip the hot chocolate and we sing “Noel” Whether first or the second Noel, we won’t tell I know that I’m tardy and long overdue In telling my true love that my gift is you
Both-Chorus 1 All that we hold in each other’s heart Is the that each Christmas we won’t be apart So, our stockings are hung and from my point of view We’re here with each other, and my gift is you
Man-Verse We hold in our hands what we love the most
Woman We hold in our hearts where others just boast
Both But what I like and what most rings true Is the way I feel knowing that my gift is you.
Both-Chorus 2 All that we hold in each other’s heart Is the hope that each Christmas we won’t be So, our stockings are hung and from my point of view We’re here with each other, and my gift is you
Woman-Verse 3 I love a gift wrapped by you, a gift under the tree When the snow falls lightly for and for me But what I like most and what most rings true Is the way I feel knowing that my gift is you.
Man We sip cider, we sing “Deck the Halls” We’ve trimmed the tree now and even some of the walls But you know I am here now and though overdue I will tell you my true love that my gift is ….
Both-Chorus 3 All that hold in each other’s heart is the hope that each Christmas we won’t be apart But what I like most and what most rings true Is the way I feel knowing ….
Tag This is the way… The way I knowing that my gift My gift, my gift is you