dong tin san tai tip gan sam sam ngoi na man ga sai sam seng teng dou nei wui fau se hei gou bit maai mut ngo sam sam haak di gaau fan fong fat deui nei mut han jam mo tau yap dou ling san naan jau cham tin sik bat bit joi am fong fat je giu meng wan bat dong tin nei ya wui yau sam se hei bui fan ying jou hei fan jam mo bat pui chan fu hoi lei ya ji man dau dau jyun jyun pung dou mau mau gwan ying yun yi dang yeuk mei paau hoi mei nang heui ngoi yin yi fan ying nang gei joi dong tin yun loi seung sam ho loi sam gan bun yi yin chung mei fong hoi mei yun paau hoi hang yi yau ngoi yun loi jing choi choi nang gei joi dong tin ho loi seung sam cho daai mun ngoi ga sai bat ho jim geui chau hung yu ngo jeui jeui jeun gun gam tin nei yu na mau gwan seung ngoi ding mou wai joi jeui jou ying goi saat teui hou hou joi chi yap seui jam mo jung seung dou nei wui king leui seui fung gon di sam yi seui jam ho giu ngo yap seui bat gam paau hoi jeui ngoi gei yun jau seung ngoi jyu ding mou noi gou cheui tin saang di deui jam mo wui bui fu jeui bat seung sei sam min keung yiu ngoi cheung maai joi fai heui kei sat yun ngaai ha heui yan ngo dong si jung syun yung yau faai lok ngo ji joi yi seui chang bei nei chung si ho sik chung loi gan bun mut chyun joi
~~~~Engtrans~~~~ By: Michael Lui ~> Thanks Michael for this translation ^^!
When our body get closer, we are deeply in love. Even my mind can listen whether you leave me and give me a unforgettable lesson. I didn't hate you. Why I still cry till drawn? No more darkness for my fate. gave up our relation and why we didn't match. I was so sad and I told myself I was willing to wait for my Mr.Right Even I was fooling around. We broke up but I still have good memory. At that I was so sad But still didn't want to break up. I didn't give up and find my love and good memory. I wonder why I was crying at the front door of my house? If you in love with other woman, I will leave you. I will go to sleep well. Why my tears drop when I think of you? My broken heart didn't let me sleep. I will leave you and go away. Destiny made our love apart. How come love was guilty? I didn't want to give up But I need to put my love in my broken heart. If I didn't give up but still apart, I will have good memory. Even I sad but I never give up. I didn't give up. My love gave me good memory. I wonder why I was crying and sit at the front door of my house? I was willing to suffer when I was with you Because I was so happy with you and you are care about me.