==English== My words taught the purpose loving thorns. A mass of pity that glows red repetitively swells. Already to my wounds, my impatience sparked. Pretty things sprouted abundantly. A shallow harmony. Nobody, not even he, fell to the bottom. A warped intention. The reality hidden in fright. They were thrown way. Depicted lies.
It dripped again. I simply wished. And still. comfort. Boundaries, nil. Sentiment suspended from fallen fingers. It exists there, a left-behind reality, I rewind towards the unchanged days.
A black creature conined to a paper cage. Covering my ears, I force a laugh. Symbolic affection now... Bursting into the air, it falls to A left-behind swirl of lunacy. Dark, perpetual, unchanging. Still peaceful... Ah, amends, painful. Today too the voice I myself bear is shame.
These are all copies of my wish. \"Harmony.\" No one, not even him, lost their motives, blurred intentions Within the trampled corpses, that's where it was. A world.
It dripped again. I simply wished. And still, Unsatisfied comfort. Boundaries, nil. Sentiment suspended from fallen necks. It there, a left-behind reality, I rewind towards the unchanged days.