A night filled with shining stars With just you and me, let's take a walk Along with happy wind my heart beats rapidly in unison When we're face to face These Words that come from my heart, \"I love you, I'll love you eternally\"
I never knew your back was ever this warm My replenshing strength whenever I'm having it rough, Your embrace that I like so much
If only, I have you, If you're always by my side The world looks this much beautiful The person me more than anyone else in this world, I trust you to be that person Among the stars in the night sky, Until their light dies out I promise you That my love for you will never change
My love will also be with you whenever you fall or whenever you are suffering So that it will always be a love that shines brightly for
A person I'm so thankful for, An extraordinary person The person that makes me this much happy Just because it's you, I know my heart starts to jump Even if the world deceives me, you always take my side like the nice person you are I promise to love you forever and ever..