Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken; And the violence caused silence; Who are we mistaken? you see, it’s not me; It’s not my family; In your head, in your They’re fightin’! With their tanks, and their bombs; And their bombs, and guns; In your head, in your head; They’re cryin’!
In your head! In your head! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie! What’s in your head, in your head? Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie-ie-oh!
Another mother’s breaking; Heart is taken over. the violence causes silence; We must be mistaken. It’s the same old Since 1916! In your head, in your head; They’re still fightin’! With their tanks, and their bombs; And their bombs, and their guns; your head, in your head! They’re
In your head! In your head! Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie! What’s in head, in your head? Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie-ie-oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, hey-oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.