Isang hajyo gurohge gakawodon uriga irohgedo oseghan usumman hanchamur mangsorin hueya marhar su otohge jinenunyago
Byonhaji anhgeda go dangshinun tonan huedo na yongwonhi onjekaji nan gidarirkoya mido wanunde nan guder ijo galleyo
Werowojyo dangshini obnun bin jarinun otongodo cheur su obsojyo hajiman irohge himdun ne mosubi gudeui maumur himdurge gon aninji
Byonhaji anhgeda go dangshinun tonan huedo na yongwonhi onjekaji nan gidarirkoya mido wanunde irohge nan guder ijo galleyo
Onjenga uri dashi mannarkoran baremjocha modun borigejyo
uri yagsogdo ijen obnungojyo irohge urin morojyo ganeyo
---Eng trans---
We happen to meet each other after a long time A long time has passed, Like my awkward style of swinging my shoulders You look thin You tired worried about you It is strange We were so friendly, but now there is only an awkward smile After I hesitate for a long time I could talk about how you are I believed that I would be waiting for you forever you left, but I'll forget. I was lonely Nothing could fill your empty seat But my tiredness makes your mind too I believed that I would be waiting for you forever Though you left, I'll forget. Even the word that whenever we may meet again is going to be thrown away Will the promise to love each other eternally be gone? We are becoming more distant like this.