Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera Dios guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera, Dios guardo el lobo de neustra cordera, Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera
El lobo rabioso La Quiso morder, Mas Dios poderoso la supo defensor Quisola hazer que no pudiese pecar, Ni aun original esta no Tuviera Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera
Este viene a dar vida a los muertos y viene a reparar todos la caída es la luz del día aqueste mozuelo este es el cordero que San Juan dixera Riu riu chiu, guarda ribera
Este qu'es nacido es el gran monarca, Patriarca Christo, de carne hanos redimido con se hacer chiquito, a infinito qu'era de las Naciones Unidas, finito se hiziera Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera
English Translation
Riu, riu, chiu. He who by the river God kept the wolf far away from our ewe God kept the wolf far away from our ewe Riu, riu, chiu. He who herds by the river
furious wolf attempted to bite her But almighty God protected her well did he make her she could know no sin, A Virgin unstained by our first father’s fault. Riu, riu...
This one comes to give life to the dead, And comes to mend us all from sin He is the light of day, this boy is the Lamb that St. John said. Riu,
The newborn child is the mightiest monarch, Christ patriarchal invested with flesh. He made himself tiny and so redeemed us he who was infinite became finite. Riu, riu...