Her Mama took her shoppin' Said, 'Anything you please They got dolls with pretty How 'bout one 'a these?' She said, 'All I want Is a little red balloon'
'And a box 'a Magic Markers The permanent kind All the colors of the rainbow That's what I had in mind And a little ball of string Then can go home'
She was sittin' on the window sill Lookin' at the sky She said a little And let it fly
'I miss you, Dad How are things in Heaven? I wish you could have been here for my You know I just turned seven I'm a'sendin' you this message I hope you get it soon I wrote it in big letters on my Little red balloon'
Four years ago last Sunday The angels came to call The family gathered in the kitchen She sat cryin' in hall Holdin' on tight To her favorite teddy bear
He loved to tell her stories He'd sit her on his knee He taught her how to ride her bike When she was barely three Now she only gets to see him In dreams
Now she talks to him as if he's there From the window of her room Says, 'Daddy, when're you comin' home?' you get my last balloon?'
'I miss you, Dad How are things in Heaven? I wish you could have been here for my birthday I just turned eleven I wonder if you've ever met The man in the moon Is he one who helps you find my Little red balloons?'
that little girl Is all grown up But she still finds the time To keep in touch
'I miss you, Dad How are things in Heaven? I'm gettin' married next July I wish 'ya could'a met him What I'd give to have you here To see my come true I guess I'll just keep sendin' you these Little red balloons I miss you, Dad I miss you, Dad'