They say love can take you far Be yourself there you are Once in a lifetime When will she be mine heaven Love can take you Up the mountains down below Day or night she won't let go Love's like a warm wind, sworn the feeling, need to know
What does it feel like When can I say It's the furthest that I've ever been And I've a way What does it sound like When will I know How does it feel letting go A memory of - I only know how to love
When I dream I'm in her arms Feeling safe and far from harm She knows where I've been that I've seen Need to know Heaven tell me
What does it feel When can I say It's the furthest that I've ever been And I've found a way What does it sound like When will I How does it feel like letting go A memory of - i only know how to love
Deep down inside She's here tonight my side
What does it sound like When will I know How it feel like letting go A memory of-I only know how to love