笑顔に隠した涙を待ってる egao ni kakushita namida wo matteru I’m waiting for the smile which is hidden behind the tear
ぼくらの前なら泣いてもいいじゃない bokura no mae nara naitemo iijanai you cry in front of us
抱え込まないで kakaekomanaide don’t hold everything into yourself
意地を張らないで iji wo haranaide don’t be stubborn
この手で守りたい kono te de mamoritai I wanna protect with these hands
時には揺れながら toki wa yurenagara sometimes swaying
時にはまっすぐに toki ni wa massugu ni sometimes being straightforward
傷つく事もあるけれど yeah kizutsuku koto mo arukeredo sometimes we get hurt though, yeah
遥かな夢ならば 精一杯かけぬけろ harukana yumenaraba seiippai kakenukero If it’s a big dream that cannot be reached, run hard as possible
憂鬱なため息なんて強気で蹴散らしてしまおう yuutsu na tameiki nante tsuyoki de kechirashite shimaou let’s kick the gloomy sigh away with your strong mind
遥かな夢がもし破れてしまうなら haruka na yume ga moshi yaburete shimau nara If the big dream is torn apart,
一から出直せばいい 欠片を拾い集めながら ichi kara denaoseba ii kakera wo hiroiatsume nagara you can start over from the beginning, gathering the pieces
この手で守りたい kono te de mamoritai I wanna protect with these hands
抱きしめてるその願いをいつかなえるまで守りたいんだ dakishimeteru sono negai wo itsuka kanaeru made mamoritainda I wanna protect until your wish that you are embracing comes true
この手で守りたい kono te de mamoritai I wanna protect with these hands
ひたむきな君の笑顔を hitamuki na kimi no egao wo your dedicated smile
かげらせないように守りたいんだ kagerasenaiyouni mamoritainda I wanna it not to overcloud