Protector of the sun arrives with light From the of the world to the highest heights. a thunder blast he greets his twin, And falls back to oblivion.
From the western plains where nature blooms. Roams the brother in eternal blue. Chasing the vanishing golden light. Hasting towards an endless night.
Across the high northern skies eldest brother in his might. Guards the frozen barren land With a token of wisdom in his hand.
Forlorn moon and dreadful The youngest brother raises his fist. All life slowly withers away And the infinite circle begins
The trail of the winds remains unseen, For mortals their realm stays concealed. The ageless skies that stand our eyes, When we'll be gone they'll still be free.
Silvery light of the sea, Sparkles of beneath. Cold breeze against their brawn, Reminds them of cold steel and war!