anoche soñe yo contigo del amor que perdimos del amor que tanto eh sufrido y ahora estoy perdido tu me desias que me amabas, pero en mi espalda tu me engañabas por eso esque nuestro amor a fracasado talves no sabes cuanto te ame pero siempre llore aunque tu nunca mi amor no allas notado tus labios me desian te amo y tus ojos me rechasaban por esque hoy yo mujer ya no te creo
yo te ame te adore no te qiero veeieie y sufri hasta el fin no te veeieie
duramos una noche amando y la otra peliando y aunque todo segia igual, pasaban los años a pesar de tus engaños tu me diste un ese fruto de tu vientre que yo mas amo
yo te ame te adore no te qiero veeieie y sufri hasta el fin no te qiero veeieie
(quisiera llorar!) sentimiento come on!
yo te ame te adore no te qiero veeieie y sufri hasta el fin no te qiero veeieie
English Translation Lyric
night I dreamt about you, about the love we have lost the love I suffered so much, eh, and now I'm lost you told me you loved me, but you cheated on me behind my back that's why our love failed you may not know how much I loved you, but i always cried although you never noticed the love I had for you your used to tell me - I love you but your eyes rejected me that's why I don't believe you any woman
I loved you I adored you I don't want you veeie I suffered till the end I don't want you veeie
(royce!) one night we spent loving each other, another night arguing and so passed the years, one like the other regardless your frauds you gave me a miracle fruit of your womb the one I love most
I loved you I adored you I don't want you veeie I suffered till the end I don't want you veeie
(I feel like crying!) oh feeling come on!
I loved you I you I don't want you veeie I suffered till the end I don't want you veeie