Your are blue like the ocean and baby I'm lost out at sea Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me I've been trying to ask you but I can't seem to speak Was it love at first sight 'cause i walked by last week
I'm singing fa la la la la
Your lips look so lonely would like to meet mine You are the one that I've been hoping to find so sweet that you put Hershey's out of business Can I have a photograph to show my friends that angels truly exist
I'm singing fa la la la
You're cute as a button The things you do sure are something Are you running out of breath from running through my head all night
Is there something in your eye, oh wait, it's juat a sparkle Can you get a little closer and help me out a little bit Because scraped my knee of falling for you But baby a kiss will do
I'm singing Fa la la la la la
You're as cute as a button The you do sure are something Are you running out of breath from running through my head all night
I'm falling in love and wouldn't I like to think so And every I look at the stars out my window And I hope I can see the one that we saw together It was just you and me and I'll look for that star forever
I'm falling in love and wouldn't I like to think so And every night I look at the stars out my window And I hope I can see the one that we saw together It was just you and me and honestly I'll look for that star forever
as cute as a button The things you do sure are something Are you out of breath from running through my head all night
You're as cute as a button The things you do sure are something Are you running out of breath from running through my head all night