だいすき! コトコト煮込んだカレー スパイスふたさじ経験しちゃえ☆ だけど限界 辛すぎて、、、もうダメ↓ ピリリ ピリリ Oh... No No No No No No…! カレーCHOPPiLiライスTAPPULi
キミがいなくちゃさみしいテーブルなの いつか仲良く銀のスプーンの上
ごめんね! ルーだけ残したカレー 女の子は甘いのがすき あこがれだけど中辛はおあずけ
だいすき! コトコト煮込んだカレー スパイスふたさじ経験しちゃえ☆ だけど限界 辛すぎて、、、もうダメ↓ ピリリ ピリリ ピリリ Oh... No No No No No…! カレーCHOPPiLiライスTAPPULi
==Eng Trans== You make my heart throb, it may be love, I scurry I can't stop this sensation and get dizzy
Please! A piping hot plate of curry Motivate me with a single spoon of spice I don't want mild, I want medium spice today It's an adult's flavor
Meat, vegetables, and a secret flavor It's the greedy loving heart of a growing girl
I love you! Bubbling boiled curry Let experience two spoons of spice But that's my limit, it's too spicy...I can't Shocked, shocked, shocked Oh no no no no no no no no no no A bit of curry and plenty of
It's a lonely table when you're not here Someday we'll become friends on a silver spoon
Sorry! curry with just the roux forgotten Young girls like to eat sweet I aspired for medium spice but put it off
I love you! Bubbling boiled curry Let me experience two spoons of spice But that's my limit, it's too spicy...I can't Shocked, shocked, shocked Oh no no no no no no no no no A bit of curry and plenty of rice