Devil: Once a girl Her name was Barbara Cutest little muffin you have ever seen Livin' in St. Louis Chase Hotel Lord: I know the place And she lived there With her mommy and her daddy her little brother Skipper Who was just thirteen Backup Devilettes: thirteen
D: Went to Church every morning Said their Prayers real loud every night She was the best little girl In the whole damn town
Lord: Watch Devil
Devil: Sorry, But you know I'm right You know I'm right
One morning in the I whispered in her ear \"Honey it's too hot today to go to school Whyn't you call up that cute little lifeguard? He's out the hotel pool\"
drank all her daddy's whisky And they took all her mama's pills They were found next day Drowned in their own vomit [Angels gasp] Poor little fool Poor little fool