Down on the by the traffic light, everybody's lookin', as she goes by, they turn their heads and they, watch her till she's
Lord have mercy, Baby's got her blue jeans on!
Up by the bus stop, and across the street, open up their windows, to take a peek, while she goes walking, rockin' like a rollin' stone.
Heaven help baby's got her blue jeans on!
[CHORUS] She can't help it if made that way, she's not be blamed if they look her way, she ain't really tryin' to cause a scene, it just naturally, nah , the girl can't help it.
Well up on main street, by the taxi stand, there's crowd of people, and a traffic jam, she don't look back, she ain't doin' nothing' wrong,
Lord have mercy, baby's got her blue jeans
She can't help it if she's made that way, she's not to blame if they look her way, she ain't really tryin' to cause a scene, it just naturally, aw, the girl can't help
Down on the corner, by the traffic light, everybody's lookin', as she goes by, they turn their heads and they, watch her till gone.
Lord have mercy, Baby's got her blue jeans on! Heaven help us, baby's got her blue jeans on!