Farewell, oh farewell Sweet dancers in the wind I see you are prepared to with me The long way home again
Farewell, my beloved (Farewell to I whisper to a fading flower (I greet your embrace) There's so much life in dying After all this time you can go to sleep (After all time that passed I can go to sleep)
This well-known melody Rises up above the orphaned trees Rejoining the restless wind Bequeath scarlet rain to hunted leaves
Through decay, you can see her How she wanders How she cries silent tears Midnight's coming all too soon And has to end what she's begun
Come near come near to me I know you are frightened I can't keep you safe But see there's nothing holding you anymore So please, don't insist on the waste
And now I see your eyes (I'm waiting for you) Your broken beauty is my guide (I welcome your kiss) so much life in dying Take my Rest your head and seek relief (I've saved my life for you, Oh come near, let me seek relief)
Hope in her And her fingers borrow pity out of your heart Her eyes are staring right through you And you can see yourself in them
Sweet dancers There is nothing holding you anymore Please come with me, my dear
autumn's tears begin to freeze And I'm willing to leave again