你最近不說話 怎么了 為什么 ni zui jin bu shuo hua zen me le wei shen me You've been quiet what's the matter, why? 是不是有什么事讓你不快樂 shi bu shi you shen me shi rang ni bu kuai le Is it that something's making you unhappy? 听說你最近很孤單 有點亂 有點慌 ting shuo ni zui jin hen gu dan you dian luan you dian huang I heard you've been lonely recently, a bit confused, a bit out of sorts 可是我卻不能夠在你的身旁 ke shi wo que bu neng gou zai ni de shen pang Yet I can't be at your side
你想要的 我卻不能夠給你我全部 ni xiang yao de wo que bu gou gei ni wo quan bu What you want - I know, but I just can't give you my all 我能給的 卻又不是你想要擁有的 wo neng gei de que you bu shi ni xiang yao yong you de But what I can give you is not what you want
我們不适合 也不想認輸 wo men bu shi he ye bu xiang ren shu We aren't suitable for each other, but I don't want to admit loss 好几次我們抱著彼此都是想要哭 hao ji vi wo men bao zhe bi ci dou shi xiang yao ku Many of the times we embraced each other, I felt like crying
常解釋這樣的一切都只是開始 chang jie shi yang de yi cie dou zhi shi kai shi Many times it's explained that these situations are just new beginnings 我覺得是所有的一切早已就結束 wo jue de shi suo you de yi cie zao yi jiu jie shu I feel that this is one of those times where it ended long ago
不想再約束不要再痛苦 bu xiang zai yue su bu yao zai tong ku Don't want any more restrictions, don't want any more pain 下一次會有更好的情路 xia yi ci hui you geng hao de qing lu Next time there'll be a better road of love
你最近不說話 怎么了 為什么 ni zui jin bu shuo zen me le wei shen me You've been quiet recently, what's the matter, why? 是不是有什么事讓你不快樂 shi bu shi you shen me shi rang ni bu kuai le Is it that something's making you unhappy? 听說你最近很孤單 有點亂 有點慌 ting shuo ni zui jin hen gu dan you dian luan you dian huang I heard you've been lonely recently, a bit confused, a bit out of sorts 可是我卻不能夠在你的身旁 ke shi wo que bu neng gou zai ni de shen pang Yet I can't be at your side
你想要的 我卻不能夠給你我全部 ni xiang yao de wo que bu neng gou gei ni wo quan bu What want - I know, but I can't give you my all 我能給的 卻又不是你想要擁有的 wo neng gei de que you bu shi ni xiang yao yong you de But what I can give you is not what you want
我們不适合 也不想認輸 wo men bu shi he ye bu xiang ren shu We aren't suitable for each other, but I don't want to admit loss 好几次我們抱著彼此都是想要哭 hao ji vi wo bao zhe bi ci dou shi xiang yao ku Many of the times we embraced each other, I felt like crying
常解釋這樣的一切都只是開始 chang jie shi zhe yang de yi cie dou zhi shi kai shi Many times it's explained that these situations are just new beginnings 我覺得是所有的一切早就已結束 wo jue de shi suo you de yi cie zao jiu yi jie shu I feel that, like always, this is one of those times where it ended long ago
不想再約束不要再痛苦 xiang zai yue su bu yao zai tong ku Don't want any more restrictions, don't want any more pain 下一次會有更好的情路 xia yi ci hui you geng hao de qing lu Next time there'll be a better road of love
愛 我卻不能夠 給你我全部 ai wo que bu neng gou gei wo quan bu Regarding love, I just can't give you my all 我能給的 卻又不是你想要擁有的 wo neng gei de que you bu shi nik xiang yao yong you de But what I can give you is not what you want
你想要的 我卻不能夠給你我全部 ni xiang yao de wo que bu neng gou gei ni wo quan bu What you want - I know, but I just can't give you my all 我能給的 卻又不是你想要擁有的 wo neng gei de que you bu shi ni xiang yao yong you de What I can you is not what you want
我們不适合 也不想認輸 wo men bu shi he ye bu xiang ren shu We aren't suitable for each other, but I don't want to admit loss 好几次我們抱著彼此都是想要哭 hao ji vi wo men bao zhe bi ci dou shi xiang yao ku Many of the times we embraced each other, I felt like crying
常解釋這樣的一切都只是開始 chang jie shi zhe yang de yi cie dou zhi shi kai shi Many times it's explained that these situations are just new beginnings 我覺得是所有的一切早已就結束 wo jue de shi suo you de yi cie zao yi jiu jie shu I feel that, like always, this is one of those times where it ended long ago
不想再約束不要再痛苦 bu xiang zai yue su bu yao zai tong ku Don't want any more restrictions, don't want any more pain 下一次會有更好的情路 xia yi ci hui you geng hao de qing lu Next time there'll be a road of love
這一次我們都能很幸福 zhe yi ci wo men dou neng hen xing fu This time we'll all be able to be very happy