can't be in moonless night I also can't easily close my eyes Because you might appear in the sky or my heart
不能在一望无尽的地方 也不能钻进那拥挤人群 bùnéng zài yī wàng wújǐn de dìfang yě bùnéng zuānjìn nà yōngjǐ rénqún
I can't be in a place with an endless horizon I also can't make my way through the crowd
因为寂不寂寞 都会惊醒我 我失去了我不够爱的你
yīnwéi jì bù jìmò jīngxǐng wǒ wǒ shīqù le wǒ bùgòu ai de nǐ
Because lonely or not, it'll all bring to my mind-- I lost the one I didn't love enough
我想我不够爱你 我不曾忘了自己 没那么全心投入 所以会一败涂地 wǒ xiǎng wǒ bùgòu ai - nǐ wǒ bùcéng wàng le zìjǐ méi nàme quán xīn tóurù - suǒyǐ huì yī bài Tú Dì
I think I don't love you enough, I never myself I haven't put that much my heart in this, so I have been defeated
我想我不够爱你 我忘了你的勇气 没办法重来一次 也只好听天由命 wǒ xiǎng wǒ bùgòu ai nǐ -- wǒ wàng le nǐ de yòng qí méi bànfǎ zhònglái yīcì -- yě zhǐhǎo tīng tiān yóu mìng
I think I don't love you enough, I've forgotten your courage There's no way to go back to the beginning, so I can only listen to what Fate's got for me